Black Neon Tetra
Additional information
The black neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family of the order Characiformes. It is native to the Paraguay basin of southern Brazil. They are often found in the aquarium trade
Origin: Amazon Basin, Orinoco Basin and various rivers in the Guiana Shield in tropical South America.Â
Location:Â Found in natural tributaries of the Amazon, Orinoco & Guiana Shield River in South America
Diet: They are omnivores, will readily accept most Tropical Flakes, Flakes, Spirulina flakes, Tropical Granules, Algae Rounds, Shrimp Pellets, frozen foods, GHM & BHM’s.
Adult Size: 6-10″
Recommended Tank Size:Â 130 liters+
Compatibility: Many aquarists don’t realize that angelfish grow quite large and have a bit of a temper. They are too aggressive for smaller tropical fish and too passive for cichlids. Choosing the right tank mates for freshwater angelfish requires a balance.
Though it can be tricky, plenty of fish do well with angelfish. Among them include some tetras, plecos, rainbowfish, and rams.
Preferred Water Parameters:
Ammonia (NH₃):
Nitrite (NOâ‚‚):
Nitrate (NO₃):
Water Change:
6.8 – 7.5
Up to 150
28 – 30 Degree Celsius
3-8 KH
 0 ppm.
0 ppm.
<25 ppm.
Water Changes >50% Fortnight (Again depends on your setup)
SVR Aquatics ships exclusively within India to all States and Union Territories via Railways or Airways. Customers must collect railway shipments promptly or opt for door-to-door delivery with higher charges for airway shipments. Fish are shipped weekly or biweekly, packed in special styro boxes with GST charges. Live arrival is guaranteed on the first attempt, with a replacement for Dead On Arrival (DOA) reported within 2 hours. Refund/Return policies differ for live fish and dry goods/accessories, with a 25% cancellation fee for unshipped orders. Damaged or wrong items must be reported upon receipt for evaluation and resolution.
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The black neon tetra is a freshwater fish of the characin family of the order Characiformes. It is native to the Paraguay basin of southern Brazil. They are often found in the aquarium trade